Jorge Anibal Restrepo Morales
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  • Henry Chero-Valdivieso

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Entrada de blog publicada por Jorge Anibal Restrepo Morales

Breaking the digitalization barrier for SMEs: a fuzzy logic approach to overcoming challenges in business transformation

The purpose of this study was to investigate the barriers and drivers of digitalization in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Specifically, the study aimed to identify the key factors influencing the adoption and implementation of digital technologies in SMEs, understand the challenges faced by these organizations in their digital transformation journey. In this study, a fuzzy logic methodology was employed to assess the digitalization process of 4531 SMEs. Additionally, an analytical…Ver más
2 Dic 2024
Jorge Anibal Restrepo Morales es ahora miembro de RedDOLAC - Red de Docentes de América Latina y del Caribe -
30 Nov 2024

Información de perfil

Ciudad y País
Título y especialidad
Prifesor titular Riesgo y competitividad
Grado Académico
Institución a la que pertenece
Tecnológico de Antioquia
Intereses académicos
Métodos multicriterio Riesgo Financiero Competitividad empresarial

El blog de Jorge Anibal Restrepo Morales

Breaking the digitalization barrier for SMEs: a fuzzy logic approach to overcoming challenges in business transformation

Publicado el diciembre 2, 2024 a las 9:32am 0 Comentarios

The purpose of this study was to investigate the barriers and drivers of digitalization in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Specifically, the study aimed to identify the key factors influencing the adoption and implementation of digital technologies in SMEs, understand the challenges faced by these organizations in their digital transformation journey. In this study, a fuzzy logic methodology was employed to assess the digitalization process of 4531 SMEs. Additionally, an analytical… Continuar


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