ICMCT&A´24 - The 2024 International Conference on Marketing, Communication, Technologie and Application (In-person and/or Virtual) (http://www.icmcta.org/) is an international forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, results, experiences and concerns in selected perspectives on Marketing, Communication, Technologies and Applications.The Conference will take place at the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, in Bogotá, Colombia, between the 14h and the 16th of November 2024.We cordially invite you to become a Scientific Committee member of this Conference. Your collaboration would be much appreciated and will mainly consist of the following tasks:a) Publicize the conference to colleagues, students and institutions with whom you interact; b) Review 2 to 3 articles in your area of expertise within the deadlines established by the organization.Note that all papers submitted and accepted at the Conference will be indexed by Scopus among others as you can read on the website. If you decide to accept this invitation, please go to http://www.icmcta.org/oc24/openconf.php and enter the Keycode "ICMCTA" under Review and Program Committees to Sign-Up.We look forward to seeing you at ICMCT&A´24 in Bogotá - Colombia, in this year or alternatively in on-line session.
Note: If you have one or more colleagues who want to belong to the scientific committee and have not received the invitation, please forward this invitation to whoever you see fit for them to individually register. Also, if your research center or university wants to be our partner at the conference, you can send us the logo and the corresponding link that we can add to the conference website. Thank you very much. -- ICMCT&A Team http://www.icmcta.org/
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Dear Colleague,
ICMCT&A´24 - The 2024 International Conference on Marketing, Communication, Technologie and Application (In-person and/or Virtual) (http://www.icmcta.org/) is an international forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, results, experiences and concerns in selected perspectives on Marketing, Communication, Technologies and Applications.The Conference will take place at the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, in Bogotá, Colombia, between the 14h and the 16th of November 2024.We cordially invite you to become a Scientific Committee member of this Conference. Your collaboration would be much appreciated and will mainly consist of the following tasks:a) Publicize the conference to colleagues, students and institutions with whom you interact;
b) Review 2 to 3 articles in your area of expertise within the deadlines established by the organization.Note that all papers submitted and accepted at the Conference will be indexed by Scopus among others as you can read on the website.
If you decide to accept this invitation, please go to http://www.icmcta.org/oc24/openconf.php and enter the Keycode "ICMCTA" under Review and Program Committees to Sign-Up.We look forward to seeing you at ICMCT&A´24 in Bogotá - Colombia, in this year or alternatively in on-line session.
Note: If you have one or more colleagues who want to belong to the scientific committee and have not received the invitation, please forward this invitation to whoever you see fit for them to individually register. Also, if your research center or university wants to be our partner at the conference, you can send us the logo and the corresponding link that we can add to the conference website. Thank you very much.
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