artículo: Categorizing the Educational Affordances of 3 Dimensional Immersive Digital Environments

Mi artículo publicado en una revista científica: Categorizing the Educational Affordances of 3 Dimensional Immersive Digital Environments

I share my article published in a journal: Categorizing the Educational Affordances of 3 Dimensional Immersive Digital Environments

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. with my dear teachers: Juan C Valdés Godínes, Paul Rudman. ... This paper provides a general-purpose categorization scheme for assessing the utility of new and emerging three-dimensional immersive digital environments (3D-IDEs), along with specific pedagogic approaches that are known to work. It argues for the use of 3D-IDEs on the basis of their ludic appeal and ability to provide intrinsic motivation to the learner, and their openness that allows the learner to gain a more holistic understanding of a topic.

revista : Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice

Visitas: 191

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