Applied Digital Skills Courses for English learners

Detalles del evento

Applied Digital Skills Courses for English learners

Hora: enero 23, 2020 a las 3pm a enero 30, 2020 a las 7pm
Ubicación: Reddolac Bolivia
Página Web o mapa:…
Tipo de evento: free, online, courses
Organizado por: Jose Antonio Santander Figueredo
Última actividad: 23 Ene 2020

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Descripción del evento

Free online courses for English learners for practical problem solving with digital tools.

What is Applied Digital Skills?

A free curriculum designed for self-paced blended learning environment where learners practice life skills while building creative projects.

Video-based. A familiar and engaging format for learners, videos allow instructors to facilitate and provide individualized support where needed.

Practical life applications. Tactical digital skills are woven throughout the lessons, but the focus is on accomplishing a task and solving problems that learners can relate to in their everyday lives, like budgeting for a purchase, or planning an event.

Certificates and badges of participation to be issued.

Are you interested in co-teaching as an instructor? Sign up below.

Register here:



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