Ijazah in Reading the Poem of Al-Jazariyah is offered at Online Quran Teachers. We would like to have a detail introduction about the Sheikh Al-Jazari here in brief.
Al-Jazari was born in Damascus at a time where his parents were long past the age of having children, yet his father (a merchant), had not given up all hope of having a child even after 40 years of marriage, ijazah in al jazariyyah

It is said that Al-Jazari was born after his father’s prayers for a son during the Hajj.

He completed the memorization of the Qur’an at the age of 13 and learned the art of Qur’anic recitation at an early age. In Damascus, al-Jazari founded and headed Dar al-Qur’an, a school that specialized in Qur’anic sciences.

He traveled to Mecca, Medina, Cairo and Alexandria where he took knowledge from its scholars and in 774 AH, he was authorized by his teacher Ibn Kathir to issue verdicts in Islamic law.He served as a qadi (judge) of Damascus in 793 AH and later in Shiraz where he died.

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