Apreciados colegas he abierto este espacio para compartir direcciones web de interés académico como bibliotecas digitales, revistas, e-books, direcciones de blogs, webs educativas, software para educación y links de otras redes sociales en las que participen y que deseen compartir. Considero importante compartir estas direcciones pues nos enriquecen también a todos.

Queda abierto este espacio y los invito a participar activamente y compartir direcciones web de los recursos que consideren importantes y nos ayuden a generar nuevos aprendizajes.


Dr. Henry Chero-Valdivieso

Visitas: 57388

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Deseo compartir con ustedes mi canal en youtube en donde pueden encontrar temas sobre Ingeniería de Sistemas, Inteligencia Artificial, Cuidados para la salud entre otros. Conforme genere los materiales y contenidos se los compartire.

Saludos cordiales,
Master Rita Gpe López Sosa

Esimportante tener estos recursos para ampliar el conocimiento académico fundamentalmente lo relacionado con la educación Especial.

Estimados profesores de la Red de Docentes Latinoamericanos:

Comparto con Uds. el link del canal YouTube de la Asociación Peruana de Investigación en Educación Matemática APINEMA donde han subido varios videos sobre conferencias que han realizado https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSRzyoWjB_txOBM_mQJz6Gw/featured

Además le alcanzo el link de la página web de APINEMA que actualizan semanalmente difundiendo diferentes eventos y revistas de educación matemática http://apinema.edu.pe/

Gina Patricia Paz Huamán
Presidente de APINEMA

Hola estimados Colegas de la Red de docentes latinoamericanos:

Quiero compartir con ustedes el lanzamiento de la página RESILIENCIA PSICOSOCIAL,

al link, es: https://www.facebook.com/resiliencia.psicosocial

Dr. Antonio Coronado Hijón
Universidad de Sevilla (España)

Estimados colegas, para todos aquellos docentes y formadores que trabajen en capacitación, pongo a su disposición los más de 100 vídeos cortos sobre gestión, competencias, recursos humanos, etc. que pueden encontrar en mi canal: www.youtube.com/IñakiAliende

Comparto este número de la revista La Rivada, especialmente para investigadores en CSH. http://www.larivada.com.ar/index.php/numero-16/dossier

Un Saludo cordial Colegas,

Desde el Programa de Comunicación Social de la UNAD, y la Escuela de Ciencias Sociales, Artes y Humanidades les damos la bienvenida a la X versión de la Cátedra de Comunicación. Una propuesta conceptual y estratégica que desde el 2014 convoca a la comunidad en un espacio de diálogo académico y de análisis, para suscitar una reflexión sobre el ejercicio teórico y práctico de la Comunicación Transformadora.

X Cátedra de Comunicación

Hola estimados colegas.

Hemos creado un portal informativo sobre los trámites que debe seguir el ciudadano argentino para regularizar su situación fiscal y de identificación nacional.

Para ello, muchos deben conseguir una constancia de cuit que pueden tramitar a través de nuestros servicios informativos.


Revista para la Publicación de artículos científicos en Ciencias de la Educación

Dra. María Dolores Montañez Almaguer

Editora General

Revista VECTORES.educativos


Monterrey, México.

Archivos adjuntos

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I am gifted with powerful powers that have been passed down from generation to generation of My Ancestors. I come from a spiritual family that has a lot of powerful spells. My grandfather was a great Calabash reader for Problem Spiritual Solutions. I have lived in a spiritual / Spell Casting world for more than twenty years and there I have increased my knowledge. Spiritual healer. Hence Equipped with all the powers and spells to solve life problems. I am a big spiritual healer in South Africa, also known around the world. I have helped thousands of people with all sorts of problems. I have helped them to find love, to bring back lost loves, to break up unwanted relationships, to improve the quality of intimacy, to save marriages, to create wealth, to heal souls and bodies, to protect themselves from black magic, envies and evil forces, to improve their luck, to help people finding new jobs and careers, or to make progress on those jobs they already have, to improve their studies, and many more. Internet is the way that allows me to reach more people that need my help like you. Fix / Remove The bad luck that hinders your success in life I am a big spiritual healer in South Africa, also known around the world. I have helped thousands of people with all sorts of problems. I have helped them to find love, to bring back lost loves, to break up unwanted relationships, to improve the quality of intimacy, to save marriages, to create wealth, to heal souls and bodies, to protect themselves from black magic, envies and evil forces, to improve their luck, to help people finding new jobs and careers, or to make progress on those jobs they already have, to improve their studies, and many more. Internet is the way that allows me to reach more people that need my help like you. Fix / Remove The bad luck that hinders your success in life I am a big spiritual healer in South Africa, also known around the world. I have helped thousands of people with all sorts of problems. I have helped them to find love, to bring back lost loves, to break up unwanted relationships, to improve the quality of intimacy, to save marriages, to create wealth, to heal souls and bodies, to protect themselves from black magic, envies and evil forces, to improve their luck, to help people finding new jobs and careers, or to make progress on those jobs they already have, to improve their studies, and many more. Internet is the way that allows me to reach more people that need my help like you. Fix / Remove The bad luck that hinders your success in life to bring back lost loves, to break-up unwanted relationships, to improve the quality of intimacy, to save marriages, to create wealth, to heal souls and bodies, to protect themselves from black magic, envies and evil forces, to improve their luck, to help people finding new jobs and careers, or to make progress on those jobs they already have, to improve their studies, and many more. Internet is the way that allows me to reach more people that need my help like you. Fix / Remove The bad luck that hinders your success in life to bring back lost loves, to break-up unwanted relationships, to improve the quality of intimacy, to save marriages, to create wealth, to heal souls and bodies, to protect themselves from black magic, envies and evil forces, to improve their luck, to help people finding new jobs and careers, or to make progress on those jobs they already have, to improve their studies, and many more. Internet is the way that allows me to reach more people that need my help like you. Fix / Remove The bad luck that hinders your success in life to improve your studies and many more. Internet is the way that allows me to reach more people that need my help like you. Fix / Remove The bad luck that hinders your success in life to improve your studies and many more. Internet is the way that allows me to reach more people that need my help like you. 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Buenos días, tengo el inmenso placer de invitarlos a participar el ¨Congreso “MÚSCULOS DEL CUERPO, MÚSCULOS DEL ALMA” y EVENTOS ASOCIADOS a desarrollarse los días, 17, 18,19 Y 20 de Mayo 2022 en la ciudad de Holguín, auspiciado por la Universidad de Holguín y La dirección provincial de deportes. Les adjunto el plegable de la convocatoria. Los esperamos.

Saludos cordiales
M.Sc. Haydee María Reyes Joa


Excelente idea...



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