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Dallas 1-Wire Protocol. ○ Designed by the Dallas Semiconductor Corporation. ○ Can use either interrupt driven or polled implementations. 1-Wire is a device communications bus system designed by Dallas Semiconductor Corp. that provides low-speed (16.3 kbit/s) data, signaling, and power over a This protocol enables the transfer of data between two devices on the bus while the other devices are in the idle state. The strength of the pull up can be What is it? • Protocol: to digitally communicate over twisted-pair cable with 1-Wire components over a 1-Wire network. Our guide on 1 wire communication will evaluate 1-Wire devices, device customization options, serial protocol and more. 1.1 1-wire protocol and The 1-wire protocol was defined by Dallas Semiconductor. maxim-ic.com/design_guides/en/1_WIRE_PRODUCTS_4.pdf. "AVL_PFAL_Configuration_Command_Set.pdf" available on Lantronix's website. BOLERO40 series communicates with these slave devices via 1-Wire protocolThe DS18B20 uses Maxim's exclusive 1-Wire bus protocol that implements bus communication using one control signal. The control line requires a weak pullup
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