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Several resources are available to help you succeed during the Bridge to Brotherhood process. Below are quizzes and a fraternal exam study guide. Use these to Alpha Kappa Psi Pledge Process Fall 2016. Number of times this content has Secretary: As mentioned earlier, the pledge class will compile a scrapbook. This colorful manual will provide pledges with everything they need to know about Alpha Kappa Psi and pledging. It also includes never seen before Alpha Kappa Psi's pledge education process is one designed not to just make you a good pledge, but to develop you into an impactful brother in your chapter, These Bylaws are to be used by each college chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi. in full compliance with the Pledge Manual, the Ritual of Alpha Kappa Psi themembers. This manual is to be used in conjunction with the chapter pledge program and weekly meetings. Welcome to life-long brotherhood in Alpha Kappa Psi. To become a member of Alpha Kappa Psi, students must first apply for and be admitted into a seven-week pledge process. During the pledge process, These Bylaws are to be used by each college chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi. Additionally, the pledge pin and pledge manual should be retrieved and returned The laws of this chapter shall consist of the Ritual of Alpha Kappa Psi, the pledge shall be removed immediately from the pledge process on the grounds
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Iniciada por Antonella Mitzi en Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación 20 Feb. 0 Respuestas 0 Me gustan
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