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Interfaces to the Cantera package exist for MATLAB, Python, C++ and FORTRAN. Cantera is able to retrieve thermodynamic properties (enthalpy, entropy, pressure, Detailed documentation and user guides for accessing Cantera via Python, Matlab, and directly via C++. For advanced and intermediate users, Cantera automates the chemical kinetic, thermodynamic, and transport calculations so that the users can efficiently incorporate detailed chemical thermo- Simplified Cantera User Guide - Python Edition 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Beginner's guide toGeneral information about the software Cantera. · The CERFACS version of Cantera. · Very generic scripts, in the 'Tutorial' section (equilibrium, simple batch You'll find documentation for (almost) every function in Cantera right here. This is the documentation for the current stable release, Cantera 2.6.0. These are the detailed API documentation pages for the Python and Matlab interfaces for Cantera. There is also documentation of the YAML input file format.
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Iniciada por Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila en Artículos Científicos 3 Mar. 0 Respuestas 1 Me gusta
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Iniciada por Antonella Mitzi en Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación 20 Feb. 0 Respuestas 0 Me gustan
Iniciada por Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila en Artículos Científicos 19 Feb. 0 Respuestas 1 Me gusta
Iniciada por Ariel Wilson en Materiales y Recursos Educativos 18 Feb. 0 Respuestas 0 Me gustan
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