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earth: the operators manual transcript
Global Climate Change:Earth: the Operator's Manual1.Richard Alley is the narrator of this program.What is his profession?To what U.S. politicalparty is he"EARTH: The Operators' Manual" is a new kind of documentary on climate change. PBS will be re-airing the part called, "Powering the Planet" on March 12 “POWERING THE PLANET—EARTH: THE OPERATORS MANUAL” IS MADE POSSIBLE. BY NSF, THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, WHERE DISCOVERIES BEGIN. MAIN TITLES, with music:. Earth the Operator's Manual: Powering the Planet. 1. How does concentrated solar power work? 2. Which country would still be able to power their vehicles if Earth: The Operator's Manual PURPOSE ❑ To explore each student's ideas and opinions about As you watch the documentary, answer the following questions. Start studying Earth: The Operator's Manual (ecology video sheet). Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.
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