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Exfoliative cytology is a rapid, non-invasive procedure for assessing dysplastic change within the oral epithelium. The indications for oral exfoliative cytology are reviewed and a technique for cell collection and smear examination is presented. The value of exfoliative cytology in oral cancer scre … National Center for Biotechnology Information Oral exfoliative cytology is a simple, quick, painless diagnostic procedure. It can act as an adjunct to histopathological diagnosis, but can never replace a biopsy. Despite the numerous studies on oral exfoliative cytology, the applicability and reliability of the procedure is still debatable. The diagnostic accuracy of the cytosmear is Exfoliative cytology in the diagnosis ofcancer ofthe bronchus The two observers made their preparations as circumstances dictated, no system being used to determine who should have the first selection. No statistically significant difference was evident in recovery rates, i.e., it did not appear that an obser- ver's success in finding tumour cells was dependent onhis having the first choice Samples were prepared by conventional cytology and liquid-based cytology (LBC) (TACASTM method, MBL Co. Ltd., Aichi, Japan). TACAS Method Details Since formalin is not used for fixation, cell atrophy is mild, inflammatory cells, bacteria, necrotic cells, etc. are maintained moderately, and gene preserva-tion is also excellent. Exfoliative cytology ofdiffuse mesothelioma G. HEFIN ROBERTSANDG. M. CAMPBELL FromthePathology Department, Southern GeneralHospital, Glasgow SYNOPSIS Theexfoliative cytology of 14 diffuse mesothelioma (11 pleural and three peritoneal) is described. Malignantcells were identified in 10 patients; in eight malignant cells still retaining the A Handbook of Exfoliative Cytology | Journal of Clinical Pathology Home Archive Volume 40, Issue 3 Email alerts A Handbook of Exfoliative Cytology Free dx.doi.org/10.1136/jcp.40.3.356-c Statistics from Altmetric.com Request Permissions This is a PDF-only article. The first page of the PDF of this article appears above. Request Permissions Technique of exfoliative cytology The necessities for oral cytology are 1- 2 glass slide, swab stick/frozen yogurt stick/metal spatula or cytobrush, and Spray cyte or liquor as a fixative. Before beginning the method, clarify the motivation behind a strategy to the patient. The procedure used in exfoliative cytologywasthat described by Raskin, Kirsner, Palmer, Pleticka, and Yarema (1958). Cancerwasproved in 10outof the 12 patientsinwhomthis procedurewascarriedout. The patientsatinanupright position andaLevine tube(no. 18)wasinsertedeitherdowntothe45cm.mark ortothe region where the lesionwassuspected. EXFOLIATIVE. CYTOLOGY Jon Patrick L. Mina, RMT EXFOLIATIVE CYTOLOGY Branch of general cytology which deals with the microscopic study of that have been desquamated from the epithelial cells. Recommended for: Detection of Malignant cells or cancerous conditions in the body Detection of asymtomatic or precancerous cervical lesions in women Assesment of female hormonal status in case of sterility The role and application of exfoliative cytology in the diagnosis of oral mucosa pathology - contemporary knowledge with review of the literature Adv Clin Exp Med. Mar-Apr 2014;23(2):299-305. doi: 10.17219/acem/37082. Oral cytology analysis may, in the near future, be a very useful examination for patients in terms of diagnostics and Exfoliative cytology is a noninvasive, simple,
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