"Nadie enseña a nadie, con humildad para aprender, tod@s aprendemos de tod@s"
Table 2. Descriptive statistics for sensitivity, passive range of motion (ROM) and joint pain items in Parts 1 and 2 of the study. Comparison between inter-rater reliability of the French-Canadian Fugl-Meyer Assessment manual translated into Brazilian Portuguese (Part 1) and manual with adaptation (Part 2). - "Translation, adaptation and inter-rater reliability of the administration manual for FUGL MEYER Es un índice de valoración de déficit. Se utiliza específicamente para stroke Basada en fases de Brünnstrom de la recuperación motora de la hemiplejía. Escala completa tiene un total de 226 puntos. Tiempo completo aproximado de 30´ Puede abreviarse según necesidad. FUGL MEYER Función motora: 100 puntos Results. Part 1: A manual was produced with a standardised content, procedure and scoring for the Fugl-Meyer Assessment upper limb section.. Part 2: Seven studies were included. The review suggests that there might be insufficient evidence to be confident about reliability of the Fugl-Meyer Assessment upper limb section but that there might be sufficient evidence for concurrent validity with Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA) scale is an index to assess the sensorimotor impairment in individuals who have had stroke. This scale was first proposed by Axel Fugl-Meyer and his colleagues as a standardized assessment test for post-stroke recovery in their paper titled The post-stroke hemiplegic patient: A method for evaluation of physical performance. Table 1. Demographic data on the participants and mean Fugl-Meyer Scale scores for two evaluators in each part of the study. - "Translation, adaptation and inter-rater reliability of the administration manual for the Fugl-Meyer assessment." Fugl meyer assessment instructions The Fugl-Meyer Assessment of Motor Recovery after Stroke: Evaluates and measures recovery in post-stroke hemiplegic patients Used in both clinical and research settings One of the most widely used quantitative measures of motor impairment (Gladstone et al, 2002) Total of 5 domains Items are scored on a 3-point ordinal scale 0 = cannot perform Arm Rehabilitation Measurement: ARM ; Manual for Performance and Scoring of the Fugl-Meyer Test (arm Section), Action Research Arm Test and the Box-and-Block Test. Thomas Platz. Dt. Wiss.-Verlag (DWV), 2005 - Arm - 127 pages. 0 Reviews. Manual for the FuglMeyer test arm section . 35: Approved by Fugl-Meyer AR 2010 1 Updated 2015-03-11 FUGL-MEYER ASSESSMENT ID: LOWER EXTREMITY (FMA-LE) Date: Assessment of sensorimotor function Examiner: Fugl-Meyer AR, Jaasko L, Leyman I, Olsson S, Steglind S: The post-stroke hemiplegic patient. 1. a method for evaluation of physical performance. Scand J Rehabil Med 1975, 7:13-31. Within this perspective, the Fugl-Meyer assessment scale (FMA)2, which was developed in 1975, has been used both to describe the sensorimotor recovery of patients who suffered a stroke3,4 and to classify them with regard to the severity of the sequelae5,6. , Dutil et al.18 developed a manual for this test in Canadian French, which described Fugl-Meyer (FM) assessment.3 Of its 5 domains (motor, sensory, balance, range of motion, joint pain), the motor domain, which includes an assessment of the upper extremity (UE) and lower extremity (LE), has well-established reliabil-ity and validity as an indicator of motor impairment severity the major consideration is the testing of motor ability. For this purpose, the Fugl-Meyer (FM) assessment
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