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por P Tarroso · 2016 · Mencionado por 16 — The climate change since the last glacial period was tracked The climate reconstruction method is based on the PDF of. por World Health Organization · 2022 · Mencionado por 1 — Climate change is increasingly having stronger and longer-lasting impacts on people, which can directly and indirectly affect their mental health. por RJ Brulle · Mencionado por 25 — Despite extreme weather events and urgent warnings from the scientific community, action to mitigate carbon emissions is stalled.15 páginas a chance of keeping global warming to 1.5°C – and avoiding the most disastrous essential_background/background_publications_htmlpdf/application/pdf/ por O Hoegh-Guldberg · Mencionado por 1 — 3.3 Global and regional climate changes and associated hazards: Observed the Medieval period, Mid-Holocene (8000-6000 years BP), or Eemian period 7 ago 2019 — This Summary for Policymakers (SPM) is structured in four parts: A) People, land and climate in a warming world; B) Adaptation and mitigation 3 jun 2021 — Climate change alone is insufficient to explain current fire-regime changes for wildfires; Wildfires require the confluence of at least four Challenge – for her longstanding dedication to action on climate change and ensuring fair and equitable energy transitions. She has played an invaluablePartner, PwC Global Climate Change Leader, PwC United Kingdom. The Net Zero Economy Index Sources: BP, World Bank, IMF, UNFCCC, PwC data and analytics. 13 abr 2020 — 17 BP Deepwater Horizon: A Disaster Waiting to Happen On April 20, 2010, the BP exploratory rig Deepwater climate change.37.
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