"Nadie enseña a nadie, con humildad para aprender, tod@s aprendemos de tod@s"
RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE CHRIST HOSPITAL MEDICAL STAFF RULES AND REGULATIONS . 4844-0966-6925, v. 14 Adopted by the Medical Executive Committee on August 25, 2020 Approved by the Board on August 27, 2020 . 4844-0966-6925, v. 14 a TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Hospital's ability and provisions for transfer of the patient to a facility with appropriate resources will be made. b. A patient may be admitted to the Hospital only by a member of the Medical Staff RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE MEDICAL STAFF OF BETHESDA HOSPITAL (MAY 2014) Page 6 of 18 5. PATIENT TRANSFERS Transfer priorities shall be as Medical Staff of Elliot Hospital - Rules & Regulations Page 1 of 17 L:Bylaws & Governing DocsRulesRegs 2.15.18.docx ELLIOT HOSPITAL MEDICAL STAFF RULES AND REGULATIONS Adopted by MEC: January 10, 2002 Amended by MEC January 12, 2017 Ratified by the Board of Trustees: January 18, 2017 The following definitions shall apply to terms used in these Rules and Regulations: Words used in these Rules and Regulations shall be read as the masculine, femine or neuter gender, and as the singular or plural, as the content requires. The captions or headings are for convenience only and are not intended to limit or define the scope or MEDICAL STAFF RULES AND REGULATIONS December 5, 2006 Revised December 2, 2009 Revised March 15, 2011 Revised April 2, 2013 . 2 Hospital's interaction with the care of the patient. The Hospital's policies and procedures describe the mechanisms or processes established to support the privileges. Hospital policies concerning the delivery of health care may not conflict with these Rules and Regulations, and these Rules and Regulations shall prevail in any area of conflict. These Rules and Regulations of the Medical Staff may be adopted, amended, or repealed only by the mechanism provided in the Medical Staff Bylaws. The Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 610, directs HHS to periodically review regulations that have a significant economic impact upon a substantial number of small entities ("SEISNOSE"). Content created by Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs (ASPA) Content last reviewed April 28, 2021. Hospital Regulations (PDF) Risk Management (PDF) Regulations. The following regulations represent an electronic facsimile of Kansas Administrative Regulations, promulgated by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment and published by the Kansas Secretary of State. These rules are taken from electronic copies of the printed state University of Kansas Hospital Medical Staff Rules & Regulations 4 within 30 days of admission of the procedure. 1.5.5 A complete history and physical should contain the following: a) chief complaint; b) details of the present illness, including, when appropriate, assessment of the patient's emotional behavioral and social status, c) relevant Rules & Regulations. To provide, to the best of your knowledge, complete information about current medical condition and past medical history, including current illness, prior hospitalizations, current medications, allergies, and all other health-related matters. To discuss your protocol (study or treatment plan) with the research staff before Botsford General Hospital 2 Medical Staff Rules & Regulations . 1. Only patients requiring inpatient procedures and services may be admitted to the - Hospital. 2. Patients to be admitted to the Hospital shall have a provisional diagnosis. 3. The following Rules and Regulation
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