Instruction types in computer architecture slideshare

Instruction types in computer architecture slideshare
















The instruction set architecture (ISA) is a protocol that defines how a computing machine appears to a machine language programmer or compiler. The ISA describes the (1) memory model, (2) instruction format, types and modes, and … Computer Organization and Architecture. - SlideShare Solution Manual Computer Organization And Architecture 8th Instruction register (IR) The instruction register stores instructions. The word size of the microprocessor determines the size of the instruction register. For example, a 32-bit microprocessor has a 32-bit instruction register. 15 2.3.1 Register Section Program Counter (PC) The program counter contains the address of the CSIT 301 (Blum) * Input port 1 Accumulator ALU Flags Input port 2 Prog. counter Mem.Add.Reg. Memory MDR Instr. Reg. Control C B TMP Output port 3 Output port 4 Display Keyboard encoder Bus CSIT 301 (Blum) * One Bus, Two Bus In this very primitive architecture, there is only one bus. connected to it. It used centralized arbitration scheme. It can be used in both signal Processor (desktop system) &. multiprocessor (server system) sy stem. PnP: PnP means Plug and Play. The 2 CS 211: Computer Architecture, Bhagi Narahari Course Outline • Computer Organization Review - Self study • Architecture challenges, design objectives, thumb rules, emerging issues • (I) Processor architectures: ¾Instruction level parallel (ILP) processors ¾Pipelined, superscalar, and EPIC/VLIW..vector ¾Midterm - date to be decided…plan for 8 thor 9 week Consider the following code segment LW R1, 0(R4) LW R2, 0(R5) ADD R3, R1, R2 BNZ R3, L LW R4, 100(R1) LW R5, 100(R2) SUB R3, R4, R5 L: SW R3, 50(R1) Use compiler techniques to reshuffle/rewrite the code (without changing the meaning of the program) as to minimize data hazards as far as possible. Flynn's parallel architecture classi cations I Single instruction stream, single data stream (SISD) I Single instruction stream, multiple data streams (SIMD) I Multiple instruction streams, single data stream (MISD) I Multiple instruction streams, multiple data streams (MIMD) I SISD: One processor, ILP possible I SIMD: Vector processors, GPU, DLP I MISD: No computer of this type exists EPIC Architecture (Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing). Yangyang Wen CDA5160--Advanced Computer Architecture I University of Central Florida. Outline. What is EPIC? EPIC Philosophy Architectural Features Supporting EPIC Intel's IA-64 Architectural Features IA-64's Key Technologies The design of a lower-level ISA is one of the major tasks in the study of Computer Architecture. Instruction Set Architecture. Microarchitecture. The ISA is responsible for defining the set of instructions to be supported by the processor. For example, some of the instructions defined by the ARMv7 ISA are given below. In general, the computer needs to process each instruction with the following sequence of steps. Fetch instruction from memory. Decode the instruction. Calculate the effective address. Fetch the operands from memory. Execute the instruction. Store the result in the proper place. Each step is executed in a particular segment, and there are times an instruction set specifies a processor's functionality • what operations it supports • what storage mechanisms it has & how they are accessed • how the programmer/compiler communicates programs to processor instruction s


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