Inventario ylscmi interview guide
















The YLS/CMI has 5 parts, the first is the Evaluation of risks and needs, which contains 42 items and is divided into 8 groups of criminogenic risk factors (dynamic factors, which determine the objectives of the intervention and static factors, characterising the chronic risk of the case). The aims of the study were: 1) to evaluate whether there were any differences in sociodemographic and criminogenic factors in a group of youths who committed CPV in comparison to a group who committed other type of crimes. 2) to analyze which risk factors in the YLS/CMI Inventory are the best predictors of CPV. Considering that adolescent offenders are quite a heterogeneous group in terms of behavioral and psychosocial variables, it is considered that a typological approach can assist in the systematization of these differences, aiming at a better understanding of the phenomenon and at clearer guidance in terms of interventions. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the behavioral and psychosocial The instrument that was used in the study was the Youth Level of Case Management Inventory (YLS/CMI) of Hoge and Andrews (2002), which was translated by Garrido, López, Silva, López, and Molina (2006) as the Inventario de Gestión e Intervención para Jóvenes (IGI-J). The purpose of the inventory is to assess the minor's risk of recidivism Seleksi tahap 2 : ujian tulis, Toefl, psikotest, MMPI; Seleksi tahap 3 : wawancara prodi dan test kesehatan; Kali ini aku bercerita tentang MMPI, MMPI atau Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, merupakan tes psikologi yang sering dipakai untuk mengetahui mental illness I will be using this photo with credits and link for my blog chasingvariety The State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory The reliability and validity of this measure has been confirmed by research, including in a Portuguese study showing that the YLS/CMI total risk score is significantly correlated with indices of reoffending (Hoge et al., 2002; Pimentel et al., 2010). In the present study, the total risk score of the YLS/CMI was used as a measure of recidivism risk. A avaliação psicológica constitui sempre um processo complexo que deve atender às especificidades inerentes ao indivíduo, ao grupo e à comunidade. Assim, não se verificam exceções no que respeita às populações com exteriorização de condutas Evidence from several longitudinal studies has established the relevance of the approach of evolutionary criminology to understanding and intervening with adolescent criminal offenders, seeking to halt the criminal behavior before its potential consolidation in adulthood. The aim of this study is to present the psychometric properties of the Criminal Engagement Severity Scale (EGED) to The Spearman correlation indexes between the PREVI-A dimensions and the YLS/CMI dimensions confirmed the existence of a significant association between all dimensions of both scales, with the exception of the correlation between the second dimension of PREVI-A (context-intervention) and dimension 1 of the YLS/CMI (criminal history). Validez preliminar del inventario de evaluación de riesgos criminogénicos YLS/CMI en adolescentes en Chile. by Sergio Chesta. Download Free PDF Download PDF Download Free PDF View PDF. Tesis: Características Psicométricas del Inventario de Riesgos y Necesidades vinculados con Factores Criminogénicos (IRNC - YLS/CMI) In terms of methodology, the interview as the only evaluation technique has a


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Iniciada por Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila en Artículos Científicos 3 Dic. 0 Respuestas



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