"Nadie enseña a nadie, con humildad para aprender, tod@s aprendemos de tod@s"
Theoretical Questions A. Short answer type questions. 1. Differentiate between the following i. Compost and green manure Ans . Compost-It is formed by the decomposition of plants and animals. If decomposition can be done in the presence of earth worm, it is known as vermicompost. Green manure- It consists of decomposed leguminous plants like 11. Irrigation Engineering. 11.1 Quality of Irrigation Water. 11.2 Canal Irrigation System. 11.3 Sedimentation Transport and Design of Channels. 11.4 Cross Section of Canal. 11.5 Waterlogging and Salinity of Soil. 11.6 Diversion Head Works. 11.7 Hydraulic Jump. 11. Which type of survey will be do for laying of contour lines, terrace lines for irrigation and drainage purpose (A) Cadastral survey (B) Topographical survey (C) Agricultural survey (D) None of the above . Ans. C . 12. Water saving to the tune _____ of percent is possible in sprinkler irrigation system (A) 30 to 50 (B) 60 to 65 (C) 55 to 85 1. What is surface irrigation? The process of using gravity to apply water to crops. Using sprinklers which spray crops with water. Flooding the field with water. Using a system of pipes and tubes The book entitled "Civil Engineering Objective type Questions and Answers for competitive Exams" aims in catering the needs of the Civil Engineering Students. Amongst all branches of engineering, 100+ Multiple Choice Questions on Environmental Issues With Answers. Quiz on Ecological Explosion, Ecotone, Chemosynthesis, Biogeochemical cycle. Quiz on Species Types, Nutritional eutrophication, acid rain, Marble Cancer. Quiz on Nitrogen Cycle, Greenhouse Gas, Biodiversity Hotspots, Ozone Depletion, Club of Rome. Hits the cathode gives up its heat and produces current. 6. How is Voltage used in creating x rays? a. Excites the electrons and causes them to move from the anode to the capacitor. b. Excites the electrons and causes them to move from the cathode to the coil. c. Excites the electrons and causes them to move from the cathode to the anode. d. Here are top 35 SI Units Multiple choice questions and answers are given just below to them. These sample SI Units objective type questions are framed by experts. who train for Learn SI Units Online VIVA Questions to give you an idea of SI Units mcqs which may be asked in interview. Basic Irrigation Engineering Multiple Choice Questions And Correct Answer 2. Canals taken off from ice-fed perennial rivers, are known (A) Permanent canals (B) Ridge canals (C) Perennial canals (D) Inundation canals Correct Answer 3. In gravity canals, F.S.L. is (A) Always at the ground level (B) Always below the ground level (C) Generally 4 to 5 meters above the ground level It includes objective type and conventional questions and answers on Civil Engineering for all types of examinations and interviews while applying for job of civil engineers. This can be used for all the examinations including U.P.S.C. Engineering Services Examination, Civil Services (I.A.S) Examination, Indian Forest Services Examination, GATE Here are top 60 Structural Analysis Multiple choice questions and answers are given just below to them. These sample Structural Analysis objective type questions are framed by experts. who train for Learn Structural Analysis Online VIVA Questions to give you an idea of Structural Analysis mcqs which may be asked in interview. Here are top 60 Structural A
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