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Before using your Spider III, carefully read the applicable items of these operating instructions and the safety suggestions. This guide contains basic details of the Spider V amplifier's features and functionality. Line 6® Spider V amplifiers utilize amp modeling technology to emulate. Before using your Spider, carefully read the applicable items of these operating instructions and the safety suggestions. 1. Obey all warnings on the amp and in LINE6 Spider V 240HC Modeling Stereo Amplifier for Electric Guitars SPIDER V 240HC SPIDER V 240 SPIDER V 120 SPIDER V 60 SPIDER V 30 SPIDER V COMPARISON CHART Only use a Line 6 PX-2 power supply when powering your Micro Spider using the AC IN connection. Load Batteries. You'll get up to 20 hours of power with 6 C Spider jam, Advanced guide • Read online or download PDF • Line 6 Spider Jam Amp User Manual.This page contains information about the User Manual for the Spider III 30 from Line 6.
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