"Nadie enseña a nadie, con humildad para aprender, tod@s aprendemos de tod@s"
scapular plane abduction
scapular adduction and downward rotation
downward rotation of scapulascapular adduction muscles
scapular abduction exercises
For grades 4-5 therapist to provide resistance over distal humerus in the direction opposite to shoulder abduction in the scapular plane. To satisfy grade 5 ' Patient to perform scapula adduction "lift tip of elbow towards the ceiling" · For grades 4 to 5, provide resistance over distal humerus in the direction Manual Muscle Testing The test is of abduction of the scapula from the abduction of the scapula, and list the middle trapezius as weak because theExaminer stands at test side with one hand giving resistance on the arm just above elbow. The other hand uses thumb, index finger, and web space in between to The following tests are performed in the sitting position: Shoulder Abduction (3- thru 5). 1. Ask patient to abduct the shoulder as much as they are able to Testing and Measurements Scapular Adduction: Trapezius middle fibers. SCAPULAR ELEVATION. Muscles: Trapezius ( upper fibers). Levator Scapulae.
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Iniciada por Antonella Mitzi en Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación 20 Feb. 0 Respuestas 0 Me gustan
Iniciada por Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila en Artículos Científicos 19 Feb. 0 Respuestas 1 Me gusta
Iniciada por Ariel Wilson en Materiales y Recursos Educativos 18 Feb. 0 Respuestas 0 Me gustan
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