"Nadie enseña a nadie, con humildad para aprender, tod@s aprendemos de tod@s"
Principal's Welcome; School History; Logo and Motto; Strategic Plan; School Improvement Plan NAPLAN; School Programmes; School Performance; Parent Communication. Parent Handbook; School Newsletter; Upcoming Events; Calendar Dates; Calendar; Current Term Planner; 2022 Class Lists; New Students NAPLAN RESULTS 2019. YEAR 5 2019 READING See Section 5 on pages 8 - 12 of the Handbook for principals - NAPLAN Online 2019 for more information on student participation. Recording adjustments for disability Please use the codes below to record all adjustments for disability, accessed by students during the test, on the Test participation and summary report. Adjustment Code The nationally agreed protocols can be found in the NAPLAN national protocols for test administration - online (PDF 679 kb). These protocols provide detailed information on all aspects of the administration of the tests. In cases where individual students with disability require adjustments to access the tests, these adjustments are provided NAPLAN Online. Federal, state and territory education ministers agreed that all schools will gradually transition from the current paper-based tests to the computer-based assessments, with the aim for all schools to undertake NAPLAN online by 2022. NAPLAN Online provides a better assessment, more precise results and is more engaging for students. The NAPLAN State reports help principals, teachers and other school personnel understand, interpret and use information about student performance on NAPLAN. School principals can use this report to provide information to the school community on aspects of the tests. This would allow professional conversations with their teachers, curriculum The National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) assessments happen every year. Students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are tested on the fundamental literacy and numeracy skills that every child needs to succeed in school and beyond. NAPLAN is a national, consistent measure to determine whether or not students are meeting important (NAPLAN) online. Year 3 students participating in the online administration of NAPLAN will sit the NAPLAN Writing test as a paper-based test. As a consequence, this hand book separates its instructions and information into two broad sections: one addressing the paper-based NAPLAN Writing test and one addressing the three NAPLAN online tests. Check for delivery of pre-test materials: Handbook for principals NAPLAN 2019, Information for parents brochures and an information letter for principals. If these materials have not been received by 8 February please contact 1800 665 627. 4 February On receipt of Handbook for principals NAPLAN 2019 and accompanying letter the principal should (Refer to the 2019 Handbook for Principals, Part A Section 6.7 and Section 15.1.4) • A copy of the student's work must be sent to the NAPLAN Unit of the QCAA by email to NAPLAN.tests@qcaa.qld.edu.au by Tuesday 21 May. Schools will receive acknowledgement of receipt of the script. Year 5 2021 NAPLAN Online test administration handbook for teachers1.1 Test dates .. Principals are responsible for the professional administration of NAPLAN in schools. This includes the security and confidentiality of all test materials from the time they arrive in school until they are dispatched at the end of the test period. Students usually sit the tests in their own schools. The NAPLAN Online Handbook for principals, Info
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