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5 jul 2022 — After analyzing the meaning of the work πέλαγος in Plato's work and the structure of Diotima's speech, the chapter concludes that against de MA Fierro · 2019 · Citado por 8 — (2015). Plato's cosmological medicine in the discourse of Eryximachus in the Symposium. The responsibility of a harmonic techne, Plato Journal, 5, pp. 81-93. capable, as we find in the Symposium, of standing in rapt meditation at any moment for some time, Phaedrus takes up the subject of rhetoric, to lead us. de H YUNIS · Citado por 54 — Socrates' speech in the Symposium is more a dialectical argument than an epideictic encomium. On Plato's critique of rhetoric in the Apology,. Gorgias, and de S Berg · 2010 · Citado por 34 — Provocative reinterpretation of Plato's Symposium. An original analysis of one of Plato's most well-known and pivotal dialogues, The Phaedrus, it is argued, is Plato's most self-referential dialogue, and Plato's reference to four Muses in Phaedrus 259c–d is read as a hint at the “ According to the Phaedrus, although erôs can remain just at a physical level and not develop its divine power, it is also possible that, thanks to the same Download Free PDF PDF Pack. People also downloaded these PDFs 155 Richard D. Parry Eryximachus' Physical Theory in Plato's Symposium .de G Danzig · 2005 · Citado por 54 — I. In the eighth chapter of Xenophon's Symposium (8.32–34),. Socrates appears to criticize comments made by Phaedrus. (whom he mistakenly identifies as
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