Roles of a tour guide
















Key words: Tour guide, role, challenges of tour guiding, training, training content, literature review INTRODUCTION In India tour guiding is a rather fragmented professional work. Individuals must obtain a license to work as tour guides. As of now, there is a Answer (1 of 2): Tour leaders are in charge of managing group dynamics, and over the course of an overseas trip, they should fulfill their guiding responsibilities to the extent stated in the tour contract. They play the crucial role of coordinating between tour suppliers including, hotels, resta a tour guide association. Using Cohen's (1985) model of tour guiding, abductive analysis was used to explore roles and responsibilities of the tour guide; and an inductive analysis approach was used to explore the factors hindering guides from acting in sustainable ways. Tour guides must be approachable and possess excellent interpersonal skills because they will be involved with multiple people from different backgrounds on a daily basis. 3. Strong Empathy and Understanding. Tour guides interact with people from all over the world. Groups often include tourists from various walks of life, including different: Know what you need. The duties and responsibilities of a tour guide come from knowing what's ahead of him, what are his needs to provide the best possible service for the clients/tourists. Tours can vary from day trips to a 20-day tour around the country or even longer than a day. Let's take a simple day-trip example so we can see what's needed. Tour guides work in the travel industry, giving guided tours to groups of visitors. They are experts on the history of the location and offer their tour groups interesting or enlightening information about points of interest at nature attractions, historic sites, museums, scenic locations, and other travel destinations. Guides may give walking tours, bus tours, or even lead river tours on a boat. undertaking research and planning tours. preparing and giving presentations. offering sightseeing advice. organising and leading excursions. problem solving. translating and interpreting. transporting and accompanying tourists. Many tour guides work on a seasonal basis and combine tour guiding with other work, but there are full-time roles This research aims to ascertain the role played by tour guides on the satisfaction level of tourists participating in guided tours in Istanbul. Another aim of this research is to determine the impact level of tour guides on the possible re-visit intention of tourists to the same destination. Based on 530 completed surveys from international Primary Role of Tour Guide 1. Primary Role of Tour Guide Penn T. Larena, AB, CPS,CPE,MPA 2. • The tour guide makes or breaks the tour 3. The Five Roles of Tour Guides • The leader 4. • The Educator 5. • The Public Relations Representative 6. • The Host 7. • The Conduit 8. Campus Tour 9. St. Paul Garden Download Table | The Roles of Tour Guides from publication: Role of tour guides on tourist satisfaction level in guided tours and impact on re-visiting Intention: a research in Istanbul

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Iniciada por Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila en Artículos Científicos 3 Dic. 0 Respuestas



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