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Supernexus custom rom is an android kitkat v4.4.2 based custom rom. here the tutorial how to install this custom rom on your galaxy s i9000. android 4.4.2 CM is more better in term of functions.. this ROM got no setting for toggle menu, [ROM][AOSP][4.2.2][UNOFFICIAL] SuperNexus 2.0 - I9000 - BUILD 3Samsung Galaxy S (i9000) ROM List (01/30/2014) Mackay KK ROM 4.2.2 (4.4.2)(CM11). (01/28/2014) SuperNexus 4.0 Buil1.2 (4.4.2)(KOT49H)(AOSP). JIJVG I want to root my phone to install thnkse rom SuperNexus 2.0 for i9000 forum.xda-developers.com/show.php?t=2219235 how can i safely root my (07/30/2012) [SS] Liquid Black V3.2.1 (AOSP) Next Samsung Galaxy S (I9000) ROM List (10/17/2012) [SS] SuperNexus BUILD 5 (JZO54K)(AOSP). Install Android 4.2.2 Samsung Galaxy 2 SuperNexus Jelly Bean ROM March 30, 2013, 8:44 am This upgrade we use SuperNexus custom ROM. Download custom ROM on Samsung Galaxy S i9000 and install your devices to change your ROM Name. Version. 1. 13/03/2014. C-RoM v5.1 SuperNexus 4.0.
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Iniciada por Antonella Mitzi en Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación 20 Feb. 0 Respuestas 0 Me gustan
Iniciada por Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila en Artículos Científicos 19 Feb. 0 Respuestas 1 Me gusta
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