Ultrasim simulator user guide
















Hi bsh3! I am now intersted in the transistor decives' reliability too.I also know that the "RelXpert" can do aging (NBTI and HCI) simulation.But I only have the experience of Ultrasim and Spectre,and it is said that there is a "Virtuoso RelXpert Realiability Simulator User Guide".What makes me desperate is that I cannot find this User Guide and even something about the using of RelXpert! Click Run to elaborate the design and start the AMS simulator in GUI (interactive) mode, using the SimVision windows. As the simulator starts, it opens the Console, Design Browser, and Waveform windows. This tutorial exercises only some of the basic features of SimVision. For detailed information, see SimVision User Guide. Step 3: Open ADE L. Under Setup -> Simulator/Directory/Host , make sure you have UltraSim as your simulator. The following steps assumes you use /space/yourUNI as your Project Directory . Also, don't forget to setup your model library as before. We have integrated a 'guide' feature that will take you by the hand and go through most of the critical areas with you. Easy to use. After working with our new user interface you will not want to use any other platform anymore. you ultra-fast iteration. Think of it as an 80/20 solution. If you need more precise analysis data, contact our Virtuoso AMS Environment User Guide Virtuoso AMS Simulator User Guide Cadence Verilog-AMS Language Reference. The steps required to work through the tutorial are located in Chapter 2, "Quick-Start Tutorial," of the Cadence AMS Environment User Guide. Environment Setup Before you can run this tutorial, you need to set up the files and libraries. How the Spectre Simulator Creates Names for Output Directories and Files . . . . . 297 Virtuoso Spectre Circuit Simulator and Accelerated Parallel Simulator User Guide Follow the steps in circuit simulation with Spectre to simulate the circuit. Before running the simulation, go to Setup->Environment in Virtuoso Analog Design Enviroment window, and add 'extracted' in front of 'schemetic' in Switch View List Box. After running the simulation, we will get the simulation result as the figure below. Virtuoso ADE L User Guide January, 2007 5 Product Version 6.1 Setting Model Path UltraSim -> Netlist/Simulate Message cited in my previous message was result of these actions Now I changed approach: 1. Virtuoso Schematic Editor -> Tools -> Analog Envirnment 2. Analog Envirnment -> Setup -> Simulator/Directory/Host - Simulator/Directory/Host -> Simulator -> UltraSim 3. Analog Envirnment -> Setup -> Environment user-defined compiled model interface (CMI). It allows for the rapid inclusion of user-defined models for a "model once, use everywhere" capability. EM-IR analysis Spectre EM-IR is a transistor-level electromigration and IR drop (EM-IR) tool based on a patented voltage-based iteration method and can be used with Spectre APS. Two Virtuoso AMS Designer Simulator User Guide October 2006 ProductVersion 5.7 Preface. 15Related Documents 16Typographic SyntaxConventions GettingStarted AMSSimulator 19Language Support 20Memory Requirements 20Setting Up Your Design Environment 20Turning SpectreFront End (SFE) 22Running VirtuosoAMS Simulator 22Running ncverilog SingleStep The steps required to work through the tutorial are located in Chapter 2, "Quick-Start Tutorial," of the Cadence AMS Environment User Guide. Environment Setup Netlisting and Compiling Elaborating and Simulating Layout Tutorial Com


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