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3) is called the Newton's law of viscosity and states that the shear stress between adjacent fluid layers is proportional to the negative value of the velocity VISCOSITY. Resistance to motion in fluid. Lets derive a mathematical description of viscosity: Consider fluid to be made of layers. Consider motion of. Viscosity Chart. Fluid. Specific. Gravity. Viscosity CPS. Viscous. Type. Reference. Water. 1.0. 1.0. N. Adhesives. "Box" Adhesives. 1+-. 3,000. Viscosity is a measure of the resistance of a fluid which is being deformed by either shear stress or tensile stress. In everyday terms (and for fluids Since the viscosity of a fluid is defined as the measure of how resistive the fluid is to flow, in mathematical form, it can be described as: Shear stress = η ( For fluids the shear stress τ is a function of the rate of strain dγ/dt. The property of a fluid to resist the growth of shear deformation is called viscosity.
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