Breaking the digitalization barrier for SMEs: a fuzzy logic approach to overcoming challenges in business transformation

The purpose of this study was to investigate the barriers and drivers of digitalization in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Specifically, the study aimed to identify the key factors influencing the adoption and implementation of digital technologies in SMEs, understand the challenges faced by these organizations in their digital transformation journey. In this study, a fuzzy logic methodology was employed to assess the digitalization process of 4531 SMEs. Additionally, an analytical hierarchy process (AHP) was applied to determine the weights of the dimensions in the fuzzy analysis. This allowed for a more accurate and precise assessment of the digitalization levels in SMEs. Furthermore, statistical analysis techniques were utilized to analyze the data and draw meaningful conclusions. The study revealed that insufficient financial resources, high investment costs, resistance from workers, a shortage of well-qualified staff, lack of knowledge about technology providers, high IT security requirements, the absence of a digital transformation-oriented business culture, and the application of fuzzy logic as a methodology were the key findings in the digitalization process of SMEs. These findings highlight the complex challenges faced by SMEs and emphasize the need to address these barriers to facilitate successful digital transformation.

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Iniciada por Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila en Artículos Científicos 3 Dic. 0 Respuestas



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