Juan Guillermo Londoño Sánchez
  • Hombre
  • Bogotá, Cundinamarca
  • Colombia
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Las amistades de Juan Guillermo Londoño Sánchez

  • Carlos Alberto Ramírez
  • Leonor Sarmiento Herrera
  • Paulo MOlina
  • Luz Moscoso
  • Lucia de la Cruz
  • Cristina Viatela Olaya
  • Alfredo Luis Sarmiento Gomez
  • Fidel Mauricio Ramírez Aristizáb
  • Carlos Fernando Latorre Barragan


Google Workspace Updates Weekly Recap - July 19, 2024

2 New updates

Unless otherwise indicated, the features below are available to all Google Workspace customers, and are fully launched or in the process of rolling out. Rollouts should take no more than 15 business days to complete if launching to both Rapid and Scheduled Release at the same time. If not, each stage of rollout should take no more than 15 business days to complete.

All new appointments need to be booked through appointment schedules in Google Calendar 
Earlier this year, we announced that the appointment slots feature will be replaced by appointment schedules in Google Calendar. Starting this week, only appointment schedules can be created. In a couple of weeks, the appointment slots booking pages will no longer be available. At that time, all new appointments will need to be booked through appointment schedules. | Appointment schedules are available to Google Workspace Business Starter, Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Education Fundamentals, Education Standard, Education Plus, the Teaching and Learning Upgrade, Nonprofits, Google Workspace Individual customers and Google One Premium users. | Visit the Help Center for detailed information about appointment schedules. 

Available in beta: migrate sensitive files to Google Drive with client-side encryption 
We are making it easier to programmatically import sensitive files to Google Drive with client-side encryption by providing code samples on Github. Eligible admins can apply for beta access to this Drive API feature using this form. | Available to Google Workspace Enterprise Plus; Education Standard and Education Plus.

Previous announcements

The announcements below were published on the Workspace Updates blog earlier this week. Please refer to the original blog posts for complete details.

Google Classroom now supports exporting grades and importing rosters and grade settings with PowerSchool SIS 
Google Classroom teachers can now export and import select information via the new integration with PowerSchool SIS. | Learn more about the integration with Classroom and PowerSchool SIS. 

Teachers will soon be able to create a new class in Google Classroom using Student Information System (SIS) data 
In the coming weeks, we will be introducing a new feature that allows teachers to set up a Google Classroom class using information directly imported from an SIS, including co-teachers, student rosters and class lists, grading categories and grading periods. Please note this feature is only available with our current SIS partners. | Learn more about creating new classes in Classroom using SIS data. 

Google Workspace extensions for Gmail, Google Drive and Google Docs are now available in open beta for Gemini (gemini.google.com) 
We’re pleased to announce Google Workspace extensions for Gmail, Google Drive and Google Docs are available for Gemini (gemini.google.com). When enabled, Gemini will be able to cross reference these apps as data sources to better inform its responses. | Learn more about the beta for Gemini (gemini.google.com). 

Import and export Markdown in Google Docs 
We’re introducing highly-requested features that enhance Docs' interoperability with other Markdown supporting tools. | Learn more about markdown in Docs

Clearer re-enrollment for Google Meet hardware devices 
We're updating the way Google Meet hardware devices are re-enrolled to provide a more intuitive experience for administrators. | Learn more about re-enrollment for Meet hardware devices. 

Available in beta: Policy Visualization across Google Docs, Sheets, Slides and Drive 
Users who are interacting with policy-protected content, such as those with data loss prevention (DLP) rules or trust rules, will now be proactively informed about what actions are prevented by those policies. | Learn more about policy visualization.

Enable guardians to preview assigned classwork within Google Classroom
Guardian email summaries will now include links that let guardians preview their student's Classwork pages, including assigned work and attachments provided by the teacher. | Learn more about guardians and Classroom.

Completed rollouts

For a recap of announcements in the past six months, check out What’s new in Google Workspace (recent releases).  

Enable guardians to preview assigned classwork within Google Classroom

What’s changing 

Currently, a teacher or school administrator can invite a guardian, typically a parent, to receive email summaries about their student’s work in class. These email summaries include a rundown of missing work, upcoming work and class activities, such as recently posted announcements or assignments in Google Classroom. 

Going forward, guardian email summaries will now include links that let guardians preview their student's Classwork pages, including assigned work and attachments provided by the teacher. With this update, guardians can stay up-to-date with what their students are learning. Guardians will not be able to see their student’s grades or submissions, class communication, or other students’ work. Guardians can easily access this page directly from the Classroom email summaries or from the link shared by teachers. 

Enable guardians to preview assigned classwork within Google Classroom

Who’s impacted 

Admins and end users 

Why it matters 

This feature keeps guardians informed about their student’s assignments in class. 

Additional details 

Teachers with the Google Workspace Education Plus edition who already send guardian email summaries will notice those emails automatically start including guardian previewing links. No action is needed to get started. 

Getting started 

  • Admins: Admins can turn Guardian Access ON or OFF for their domain and determine whether only admins, or admins and verified teachers, can control guardians accounts and per-class access. If admins choose the latter, verified teachers are able to add or remove guardian accounts for students in their class and determine whether each class will be available for guardian access. Visit the Help Center to learn more about managing guardians in your domain
  • End users: In classes where you have guardian summaries turned ON, guardians can now preview your classwork page and any classwork assigned to their student(s). You can turn this setting OFF at any time in your Class Settings page.
  • Guardians: You have guardian preview capabilities to your student’s Classwork page through direct links in the email summary. Visit the Help Cenet to learn more about guardian email summaries

Rollout pace 


Available for Google Workspace: 
  • Education Plus 


Available in beta: Policy Visualization across Google Docs, Sheets, Slides and Drive

What’s changing 

Currently, when there are security policies applied to documents, spreadsheets, presentations or files, users are given no central explanation of which actions, like downloading, making a copy, or external sharing are restricted. 

To improve upon this experience, users who are interacting with policy-protected content, such as those with data loss prevention (DLP) rules or trust rules, will now be proactively informed about what actions are prevented by those policies. 

For example, if a user is interacting with a document affected by DLP-enforced information rights management (IRM) and a Trust Rule, they will see a shield icon, banner, and side panel that informs them of the restricted actions.
Policy Visualization across Google Docs, Sheets, Slides and Drive

Who’s impacted 

End users 

Why it matters 

With this update, users will be made aware of which actions they are taking that are disabled on a document, spreadsheet, slide or file due to data protection controls.

Getting started 

  • Admins: There is no admin control for this feature. 
  • End users: 
    • Any user will be able to see policy visualization if it's active on a document, but the owner of the document is used to determine if it's turned ON. 
    • A shield icon, banner, and side panel will automatically appear when security controls are present. 
    • Visit the Help Center to learn more about the policies that enable Policy Visualization: 

Rollout pace 

During the Open Beta period, this feature will be opt-in only. Customers who fill out this form will see the feature enabled in their specified domains within 7 days of sign-up. Customers may submit feedback here or email it to policy-visualization-open-beta@google.com. 


Policy visualization is enabled when the document, spreadsheet, slides or file owner belongs to the following Google Workspace editions: 
  • Business Starter, Standard, Plus 
  • Enterprise Starter, Standard, Plus 
  • Essentials Starter, Enterprise Essentials, Essentials Enterprise Plus 
  • Frontline Starter, Standard 
  • Education Fundamentals, Standard, Plus, the Teaching & Learning Upgrade 
  • Workspace Individual Subscribers 


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Página de Juan Guillermo Londoño Sánchez

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Información de perfil

Ciudad y País
Bogotá, Colombia
Título y especialidad
Psicólogo Educativo
Grado Académico
Institución a la que pertenece
REDINCOL Centro de Pensamiento Colaborativo para la Educación
Intereses académicos
Educación, Psicología Educativa, Investigación, Innovación, Emprendimiento, Pedagogía, Pedagogías Alternativas, Formación de Docentes

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A las 3:01pm del enero 23, 2018, NABOR INFANTE PINTO dijo...

estimado Juan Guillermo, deseando logros y exitos en su vida.

A las 6:44pm del junio 17, 2016, C.Investigacion dijo...

Estimado Juan Guillermo, Bienvenido y felicitaciones por tu perfil de participación. Eres experto en redes muy bien..



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Iniciada por Armando Barraza Cuellar. en Didáctica y Pedagogía. Última respuesta de Armando Barraza Cuellar. Hace 19 horas . 1 Responder


Iniciada por josefa mestre lamorú en Artículos Científicos 9 Jul. 0 Respuestas



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