This titled investigation "Effects of the application of the Shop Growing in the self-esteem of the students of the 2do. year of secondary education of the I.E. Nº 80824 "José Carlos Mariátegui" of the district Trujillo's Future. 2007. He/she arose when observing that in this institution, many students the 2do. years old showed deficiencies in the development of their self-esteem, specifically, in their attitudes in front of itself and in their interaction with the other ones. As this situation it hinders their learning, among other negative effects, it felt convenient to carry out it whose purpose was to determine the efficiency of concientitation days through the denominated Shop Growing, for the improvement of the self-esteem of these students.

With a design experimental pre, of a single group, with pre and postest; and using the Inventory of self-esteem of S. Coopersmith, significant positive results were obtained, that is to say, the average obtained by the students rose of 43.50 points in the pretest to 64.10 points in the postest, in centesimal terms, what indicates a progress of 20.60% with regard to the average obtained in the prestest.

This way, the foreseen objectives were achieved and the hypotheses were contrasted formulated in the present investigation, reaching the conclusion that the application of the mentioned shop, indeed, improved the self-esteem in the students selected for this investigation work. This statement leans on in the results of the test "t" of student applied for the contrastación of the Hypothesis of Investigation, with a level of significance of 5% and 19 grades of freedom.

It is very interesting for everybody. You can put in parctices in this time with your peolpe.

I have a good experience to aplication.

God bless you.

Sr Aurea Angelita Roldàn Santiago RSM.

roldanrsm@yahoo.com, aureangelita@yahoo.es, aureaangelita@gamail.com

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