"Nadie enseña a nadie, con humildad para aprender, tod@s aprendemos de tod@s"
Briefly, "biomimetic" and "bioinspired" are two terms that are often used interchangeably, however, they have slightly different meanings.
"Biomimetic" refers to the design of materials, structures, or systems that mimic or replicate the properties and functions of biological systems. This can include the use of biological materials, such as proteins or DNA, to create new materials, or the use of engineering techniques to create structures that mimic those found in nature.
"Bioinspired," on the other hand, refers to the design of materials, structures, or systems that are inspired by or derived from biological systems, but may not necessarily replicate them exactly. Bioinspired designs may take cues from biological systems, such as the way a butterfly's wings are structured or the way a spider spins its web, and use those principles to create new materials or designs.
In general, biomimetic designs aim to closely mimic or replicate biological systems, while bioinspired designs may be more loosely based on biological systems, but still draw inspiration from them.
Welcome to visit the recently published book: https://www.intechopen.com/books/11453
Biomimetics - Bridging the Gap
Biomimetics is an innovative form of technology that emulates, imitates, or mimics nature in order to improve human lives by creating desirable solutions. It is the study of nature and natural phenomena in an attempt to understand its laws, principles, and underlying mechanisms, to obtain ideas from nature, and to apply concepts that may benefit science, engineering, pharmacy, dentistry, and medicine. Smart/intelligent biomaterials for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine are fine examples of biomimetics. Yet, biomimicry can go above and beyond the simplistic inspiration and use of natural properties as the basis for the innovation of new products. It bridges the gap between the lab and the industry via the intra-disciplinary design and formulation of functional solutions combining knowledge, methods, techniques, and advances in the fields of chemistry, biology, architecture, engineering, medicine, pharmaceutics, dentistry, and biomedical engineering. Three-dimensional printing, self-healing nanocoatings, hydrogels, bio-mechanical carbon nanotubes, stimuli-sensitive and -responsive cell/drug delivery systems, and robotics are some of the topics covered in this book. In a simplified style, the book provides interested readers with a practical reference approaching biomimetics and biomimicry from a realistic and translational perspective, discussing problems and offering solutions and including studies ranging from basics to the clinic to scale-up and industrial or go-to-market obstacles. Through Biomimetics - Bridging the Gap, you’ll quickly discover that biomimicry is more than just looking at a silkworm (silk is one of the first examples in history) or at the shape of a flower, a damselfly, or even a humpback whale and becoming re-inspired. Biomimicry is an intra-/multi-disciplinary methodology and technological-oriented approach presently employed by the most innovative organizations on this planet.
Ziyad S. Haidar, Prof. Dr.
DDS, Cert Implantol, MSc OMFS, FRCS(C), FICD, FICS, MBA, PhD
Profesor y Director BioMAT'X (HAiDAR R&D&I LAB)
Centro de Investigación e Innovación Biomédica (CiiB)
Facultad de Odontología - Facultad de Medicina
Av. Mons. Álvaro del Portillo 12.455
Las Condes, Santiago, Chile
Teléfono: +562 2618 2078
Email: zhaidar@uandes.cl
*Correspondence: should be addressed to Prof. Dr. Ziyad S. Haidar. DDS, Implantologist (Cert Implantol), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon (MSc OMFS), FRSC (Canada), FICD, FICS, MBA, PhD. Professor and Scientific Director, Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de los Andes, Santiago de Chile. Founder and Head/Director of BioMAT’X R&D&I Research Group and Laboratory, (Laboratorio de Biomateriales, Farmacéuticos y Bioingeniería de Tejidos Cráneo Máxilo-Facial) at the Centro de Investigación e Innovación Biomédica (CiiB),Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de los Andes, Santiago de Chile. Web-sites: https://www.uandes.cl/personas/ziyad-s-haidar/ and HAiDAR "BioMAT'X I+D+i" LAB: https://www.uandes.cl/biomatx-laboratorio-de-biomateriales-farmaceu... craneo-maxilo-facial/ E-mail: zhaidar@uandes.cl
Brevemente, "biomimético" y "bioinspirado" son dos términos que a menudo se usan indistintamente, sin embargo, tienen significados ligeramente diferentes.
"Biomimético" se refiere al diseño de materiales, estructuras o sistemas que imitan o replican las propiedades y funciones de los sistemas biológicos. Esto puede incluir el uso de materiales biológicos, como proteínas o ADN, para crear nuevos materiales, o el uso de técnicas de ingeniería para crear estructuras que imiten a las que se encuentran en la naturaleza.
"Bioinspirado", por otro lado, se refiere al diseño de materiales, estructuras o sistemas que están inspirados o derivados de sistemas biológicos, pero que no necesariamente pueden replicarlos exactamente. Los diseños bioinspirados pueden inspirarse en sistemas biológicos, como la forma en que se estructuran las alas de una mariposa o la forma en que una araña teje su telaraña, y utilizar esos principios para crear nuevos materiales o diseños.
En general, los diseños biomiméticos tienen como objetivo imitar o replicar de cerca los sistemas biológicos, mientras que los diseños bioinspirados pueden basarse más libremente en los sistemas biológicos, pero aun así se inspiran en ellos.
Está invitado y bienvenido a visitar el libro recientemente publicado: https://www.intechopen.com/books/11453
Titulado: "Biomimética - Cerrando la Brecha".
Espero que lo hayas encontrado informativo.
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